We can Filter Issue list by Labels, but it would be great to be able to filter the Sessions by Labels. Particularly when trying to review similar but separate issues to determine their actual...
Frequently we will receive an alert for lost revenue. Often times those sessions all came from the same user or set of users that were botting our site or attempting to hack us in some way. One...
We can currently only Filter by URL Contains, but it can be difficult to find a session where a the part of the URL you are looking for occurs in the URL of many pages. I often use this to view...
Hi team - It would be great to have a dark mode for the Noibu dashboard. I know that there are a lot of people that use mainly dark mode to help with eye strain. It would help to use the Noibu...
When filtering issues it would be very useful to create comparison operators. For instance, I would like to filter based on if Created At Date is not equal to Last Seen Date.
In the issue manage section it would be nice to have the field "description" have an AI generated paragraph so I can just save it and hav that show up in the related jira ticket.
If searching for a helpcode and zero results, give me an option to subscribe to a notification when that helpcode replay is available to watch.
This will save me when I have a pending bug session...
On the Events tab, show occurrence count of issues or allow filtering to remove issues that only happened X times post deployment, indicating this was likely an issue seen during deployment by...