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August 23, 2021

Weekly Reports

You and your team work hard to drive revenue on your website by resolving issues. This effort will now be showcased to your team with our new Weekly Reports feature. We're excited to launch this feature and keep you informed on the great progress you and your team are making with Noibu.

The reports will contain a breakdown of all your domains in one report. The report runs from 9 AM EST Monday to 9 AM EST Monday every week.

Here is a breakdown of the information that you and your team will receive in these weekly reports.

Image #1

Revenue Saved Last 365: Annualized revenue loss resolved in the last 365 days.

Issues Resolved Last 365: # of issues marked closed-fixed in the last 365 days.

Image #2

Weekly Revenue Saved: Annualized revenue loss resolved in the last 7 days.

New Issues: New issues detected by Noibu with >$1 revenue loss for the last 7 days.

Closed-Fixed: # of issues marked closed-fixed in the last 7 days.

To opt out of the weekly reports go to Teammates -> User and uncheck the Weekly Updates notification:

Image #3

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