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December 09, 2021

Progressed percentage over time

You can now view your funnel conversion rates over time inside of the summary dashboard tab.

Since we are using a new database you can view conversion data for anything equal to or less than the 30 day time period. This will increase over time as we collect more data. For anything greater than the available data you will see the funnel conversion for the entire period.

Image #1

TIP: If there is a drop in conversion in the funnel conversion you can go to issue trends and see if a JS or HTTP error is causing that drop by viewing if any issues are spiking during that same time period.

Image #2

TIP: If there is a drop in conversion in the funnel conversion you can go to issue trends and see if a JS or HTTP error is causing that drop by viewing if any issues are spiking during that same time period.

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